People thought it was kind of crazy when I decided to learn how to fly. There I was, a woman in my forties who had never flown in a small airplane or been remotely interested in aviation. I had absolutely no clue of what I was getting myself into.
Partway through flight training, I almost quit because I didn’t believe I had the talent. Earning my wings blew my world wide open. I realized if I can do this, I can do anything.
Becoming a pilot flung open possibilities I never could have imagined. Since then, I’ve become a champion aerobatic pilot, aviation journalist, and mentor. As a math-phobic English major, I find it hilarious that now I write an innovation technology column for a major aviation association!
Through my website, podcast, and blog, I’ll tell the stories and share the course I charted to get to this unimagined place. I hope to inspire anyone who has an inkling to dare and make that leap.
And fly.